Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Zombie rendition of my buddy Chris, way behind schedule.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Swine Flu Concept Art

Character sheets for my final project in my Intro to 2D animation class. My thought process went like this: "What if swine flu turned you into a pig?" And then almost immediately after that, "What if swine flu turned you into one of the hill billies from Deliverance because they like to have sex with pigs?"

Yeah, I wish there were more steps between those two thoughts, too.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Life Drawing

Ash trays

A pair of standing ash trays for my Methods and Materials class. Complete minus putting a finish and some sealer on them.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Quick Animations

Some quick animation practice done in class.




Thursday, July 2, 2009

Old Sketches

Just some old sketches I found on my external hard drive. Samus from Metroid, Cyber Demon from Doom and just some creature I made up.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Chubby Bunny and I

Chubby Bunny: the most disgusting logo I could come up with for Design I. And below that my self portrait I did for Digital Graphics, for those that haven't seen it yet. The final piece was a life size cut out on foam core.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Propaganda and Wine Labels

Just some stuffs from my Graphic Design class last semester. A propaganda poster about Homeland Security, more specifically the Patriot Act. The wine labels were designed for those giant Carlo Rossi bottles.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

When Sculpture Isn't A Round

A piece I did playing with the term "sculpture in the round". Basically, it's a 4x8 box that you have to stick your head into. Plastic cutlery and a blacklight. Pictures are the best I could get without a flash.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Shirt Designs I

These are all old designs, back when I was first learning to use Illustrator. I have some ideas for newer ones using my expanded prowess in the program.

Some where done for fun, some for other people, some just for practice. Hm...some of these STILL haven't been turned into actual t-shirts

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I use the loose term "Gate" for this one. Because it's crap. It was a good concept (mine) and a good design (mine) but really fell apart when we started construction. My group members insisted on using the cheapest/easiest way to build everything and if definitely shows in the shitty end product. You don't skimp in a senior level class, fools.

I just put this up because I got to work with metal for the first time and it was fun as hell. Made me want to own a forge and just hammer metal out on an anvil for a living.

Friday, May 22, 2009

"Wander" pt. 2

"Wander" pt. 1

Fall 08 Paintings

Yeah, I know these are up elsewhere...newer stuff tomorrow. Or the day after. Or whenever.

Just testin' this bullshiii
